In 2015 we gave $135,000 to Canadian Baptist Ministries on your behalf.

We requested that those dollars be split equally to support projects aimed at vulnerable women, children and youth at risk and food/community development.

What did those dollars fund?

Children and youth at risk ($33,750)
Bolivia (Casa de la Amistad)
•    68 boys and 54 girls – received 20 meals a week, medical checkups, school materials, recreational activities, heard the Gospel and took part in daily devotionals

Rwanda (Children of Hope)
•    69 students – school fees covered
•    236 children (heads of households) – took part in agricultural training to become more self-sufficient

India (girls’ hostel)
•    60 girls – enrolled into government schools, received school supplies, meals twice a day, tutoring, spiritual formation

Vulnerable women ($33,750)
Democratic Republic of the Congo (survivors of rape)
•    614 women (and men) – received medical care, fees for children’s schooling, trauma healing, counselling, training on gender-based violence and stigmatization within the community, money management

Kenya (urban Muslim ministry)
309 were helped including:
•    141 women through the Self-Help Group Program
•    48 women through Adult Literacy programs
•    14 girls – received school scholarships

Rwanda (women’s literacy)
•    678 students  – graduated in the literacy project, received certificates and Bibles
•    160 people  – trained in gender issues training
•    20 families with primary school-aged children – received books to read together on topics like fighting HIV/AIDS, street children, balanced diet, savings and loans

Food and community development ($33,750)
Kenya (North Eastern Province development project)
•    30 farmers  – received agricultural training and tools/equipment,
•    4 major trainings and workshops conducted

South Sudan (water project)
•    8,450 women and 6,600 men – benefitted from the drilling of 1 new well in the vulnerable area of Jaach: training, future reduction in     waterborne diseases, girl children will be saved from hours of fetching water – they can now go to school

When you give to CBWOQ, you change lives!

(Photo courtesy Canadian Baptist Ministries | Johnny Lam)