What on earth does an executive director do? (Don’t feel bad for wondering. I didn’t know either.)

Here is what a recent week looked like.

We have a fabulous director of communications, Renee James. She needs materials from me.  That particular week:
〈    I wrote a blog for the E-LINK
〈    Reviewed the gallies for the next issue of live magazine
〈    Had a Skype call with Renee to plan materials for the anchor cause program.
〈    Each day I respond to about 20 e-mails.

We have an amazing treasurer, Sarah Westman-Liu. She prepares reports – but I need to review them; check for items that need to be dealt with; develop policies. I also try to call people who make especially generous donations; we want to genuinely thank them for making our ministry possible.

We have a really great administrator, Kristi Pollard. She takes care of all kinds of details and we also work together on a lot of event planning. That week we had an online conference with the planning committee for Women’s Weekend Away. (If you haven’t checked that out, click the link at the bottom of this blog. It is going to be amazing!)  Before and after the meeting there were many items to take care of:

〈    I had a long conversation with the hotel about facilities and costs
〈    Renee and I worked on a promotion plan for Women’s Weekend Away
〈    We contacted our speaker, Raquel Contreras
I won’t go on – the To Do list is several pages long!

Each week there are also miscellaneous items: speaking engagements, administration, and sometimes visits to groups – please invite me.

So that is the general idea. I am so very grateful for this opportunity. I get to pray with people, work with wonderful volunteers, vision new things, and hear about God’s work all over the world. It’s also a big responsibility and I take it very seriously. I keep several verses on my desktop. One of them is 1Thessalonians 5:24, “The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.”

If you have any ideas, please feel free to e-mail me. Please accept our invitation to get involved. To begin, here is the link for information on the Women’s Weekend Away . . .