Scripture Text: Psalm 73
What do we do when we become disillusioned with God?

Asaph is the priest-musician appointed by King David and retained by his son Solomon to lead worship in the temple. But his role hasn’t immunized him to jealousy or bitterness. In this hymn he questions whether obedience matters to God.

Those who live with no regard for God’s commandments and Moses’ rules have health, wealth and no worries (verses 1-16). They speak against God, make violent threats, commit sin upon sin. God doesn’t seem to care. Is Asaph’s right living a waste of time?

Asaph’s questions echo in Habbakuk’s complaints. We hear them in Jesus’ cry on the cross: “God, why have you forsaken me?” And we ask them when the injustices and scandals of our days cause our faith in an all-powerful, just and holy God to falter.

Asaph does the only needful thing. Questions in hand, he chooses to go into the temple (verse 17). Only there, close to the chest that holds the symbols of God’s deliverance, does he finally understand God’s perspective (verse 17-20). He re-affirms his commitment to follow hard after God with statements as bold as his questions (verses 21-28).

Like Asaph, do we choose to wait for God when everything in us cries out for justice that’s swift and deadly? When we do, God gives us perspective, a glimpse of what how he will deal with injustice and scandal. When we do God gives us . . . himself.

Father-God, who gives us hope and a future, when the injustice in our world stretches our faith in you and your power, give us the courage and conviction we need to draw near to you and to wait. In Jesus’ name. Amen