Human Trafficking and Pornography

Some of the many ways we’ve taken a stand against human trafficking and pornography

rescue work

Our 2018 #GIVINGTUESDAY project raised $3,460 to support International Justice Mission Canada and its rescue work in the Dominican Republic.

Learn why CBWOQ supported this project here. Then read about the impact of that rescue work here.

Here’s the latest update on IJM Canada’s work in the DR.


100s of signatures collected to support a motion (M-47) before Parliament to declare pornography a mental health issue.

Despite the Motion having passed and a parliamentary committee struck to research the motion, we are disappointed in the committee’s response to the expert witnesses and testimonials heard.

Here’s the EFC’s response.

family-friendly WIFI

100s of signatures collected to urge Starbucks to make their stores family–friendly. Starbucks has reviewed its policy!

live magazine

2 award-winning series on pornography and abuse written by Baptist women and published in live magazine. Read an article from one of those series here.


letter writing campaigns

letter writing campaigns and petitions to all levels of government advocating for Canada’s adoption of the Nordic Model of legislation. Bill C-36 is now law in Canada!


silent stand-ins

6 silent stand-ins during the Pan Am Games in 2015, collaborating with Defend Dignity and Hope For Freedom


successful work with leading organizations

successful collaboration with Defend Dignity and Hope For Freedom on Buying Sex Is Not A Sport – a Pan AM Games 2015 grassroots awareness campaign



20+ showings of Nefarious | Merchant of Souls



20+ forums raising awareness of the need to end human trafficking