help us spread joy this season and into 2024 – thank you!

your financial gifts enable us to make a real difference in the lives of women in all walks of life – both at home and abroad

so listen to their stories . . .then share in our joy at being used by God to make His love and calling real for so many

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our grants multiply the impact of ministries run by Baptist women

CBWOQ disburses New Initiatives, leadership and mission grants every year

if you resonated with WAFD’s story, review  the grants we offer here
then spread the joy

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strategic giving  – supporting women, children and youth at risk around the world

Baptist Women knows the impact on churches and their communities when women receive support

if you resonated with the stories of these scholarship students, learn more about the overseas projects we support here
then spread the joy

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Uptick – investing in younger women leaders

Baptist Women believes that younger Baptist women leaders are kingdom assets

if you resonated with Laura, Lauren and Sarah, then learn more about Uptick here
then spread the joy

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programs & resources

Baptist Women creates programs & resources that change women’s lives and the lives of their churches

if you resonated with Cathy’s story, then check out our resources here
then spread the joy