Make a Huge Difference In The World!
ways to give
- make a one-time donation by credit card
- donate monthly via credit card
- set up automatic withdrawals from your bank account – just mail us a void cheque and tell us how much you want to give
- mail us a cheque at any time
- raise funds as a group and complete a remittance form so we can correctly receipt all donors
- include us in your will – you will be creating a foundation for generations
- donate securities – contact Helena Bergen @ [email protected]
are you called to something particular?
feel free to designate your gift…or let us put it where it’s needed most
- international integral mission: sustainable, strategic and empowering projects facilitated by local churches in poor communities. You may even choose a specific project
- Canadian projects supporting the vulnerable:
- Matthew Houses in 5 cities (emergency shelter and ongoing support for refugees)
- Oasis Community Centre, Toronto (counselling and support for traumatized new Canadians – especially Latinas; workshops; a foodbank)
- Friendship House, Brantford (a community hub for the vulnerable)
- new initiatives
- Dorothy Neal New Initiatives Fund (grants for Ontario or Quebec projects that support vulnerable women and children)
- Leadership Grants for individual Baptist women to get further training and take part in ministry oppportunities
- support Uptick Baptist Women (leadership development for young women leaders)
- our General Fund. Did you know we are an independent organization, completely dependent on donations for pay staff and cover the costs of creating resources and hosting events. Your gifts to our General Fund are deeply appreciated. We promise to steward them to the very best of our ability.
read some of the impact stories from previous gifts
CBWOQ retains the right to redirect funds in the event a particular project cannot be undertaken or fulfilled or becomes oversubscribed.