

Prayer – Living Without A Veil

August 14th, 2017|Executive Director Devotionals|

As we walk through the process of repentance (conviction and confession), a veil is taken away and the light shines. We see God better, understand him more, and that joyful encounter transforms us. We emerge, free from guilt and regret, praising God, walking in the light of his presence, and a little more like him. By Diane McBeth

The Prayer of Confession

July 20th, 2017|Executive Director Devotionals|

How does God want us to handle sin and regret? Sometimes I have felt caught between two unsatisfactory choices: saying sorry and moving on or feeling badly and being ineffective in ministry for a while after. Is there another way? Diane McBeth continues her series on prayer.

Behind The Cover: live magazine May/June 2017

May 16th, 2017|Live Magazine|

When artist Julie Hunt looks at her landscape paintings of Rwanda she remembers the sun shining on the water, the warm breeze, the people who cared for her. She also remembers the transforming power of CBM's literacy project, run in partnership with the AEBR.

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