Prayer Walking
praying on location
An invitation
Intercessory prayer may be the bridge between your personal communion with God and mission.
Intercession helps you to see and care about what is happening in your neighbourhood.
There are many ways to do intercession. One way is by doing a prayer walk (or drive).
To learn more, download the guide and read the article we’ve shared.
A testimony
A live magazine article that gives you an overview of what prayer walking (or driving) is all about, and how one church’s mission committee did a prayer walk.
Read that live magazine article here.
Stay covered.
If you’ve decided to do a prayer walk (or drive) this summer or fall, we’d love to pray with you before or after you do that walk.
Please contact us: [email protected] or 416-651-8967.
We’d love to share your testimony on this website, in the pages of live magazine and with our Facebook group.
Prayer-walking | Praying On Site With Insight
by Steve Hawthorne and Graham Kendrick (the definitive book on this subject)
Amazon page for reviews.
Order from READOn Bookstore: $11.99 (includes shipping)
24-7 Prayer Network: page on prayer walking
All About Prayer: one short page
WayMakers website: nicely-arranged, quick-read pages on how to prayer walk