Making room to pray . . . and fast

. Baptist Women believes that mission flows out of an authentic transformative experience of God and that experience is rooted in prayer.
In 2017, Baptist Women focused on prayer and different approaches to prayer as part of its biannual theme of Come Thirsty | Drink Deeply

In 2018, we invited women to continue making room to pray through fasting, whether alone or as part of  their groups/ministries
We also asked women invite children and youth to build a Back-To-School prayer room in early fall to support all the youth and children returning to school.

FINISH 2018 in the presence of  GOD – consider joining us in an ADVENT FAST

Browse the links below . . . you may want to use these resources through 2019!

Room To Pray resources

 pray and fast every Sunday in April.
In September, host a back-to-school interactive prayer space at your church.
The week before Thanksgiving, try a fast from criticism.
Fasting is a biblical part of the Christmas narrative. Join us in an Advent fast.