Executive Director Devotional: Freedom For The New Year – Step 2: Forgive

2015-03-05T13:06:18-05:00January 15th, 2015|Executive Director, Executive Director Devotionals|

Last week I wrote about confession - the first step in taking your spiritual inventory and moving into 2015 with increasing freedom. The second step in taking your spiritual inventory is to forgive. Who has hurt you? Make a list. That is your list of people to forgive. I know. It may not seem fair. However, the truth is that your unforgiveness is like a chain around you

Executive Director devotional: Freedom for The New Year – Step 1: A Spiritual Inventory

2015-03-05T13:06:29-05:00January 8th, 2015|Executive Director, Executive Director Devotionals|

How can we drop 2014's baggage and make a fresh start in 2015? How can we live this year with increasing freedom? I once heard a preacher suggest a spiritual inventory. I discovered it gave me the chance to start with small things I could control . . . and even though those things were small, the sense of freedom I received was long-lasting.

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