It’s the Christmas season and at this time of the year our thoughts turn to the needy and the marginalized. How can we help, even in some small way?
Baptist Women has a great history of calling us to personal, practical involvement in mission. We rolled bandages and sent supply packages to hospitals we supported in India.
In a generation where women were restricted in Christian ministry, Baptist Women supported an extensive team of home missionaries who directed entire ministries in inner cities. Women taught ESL classes, led homework clubs, visited new Canadians in their homes and a multitude of other great things.
Personal ministry
Personal ministry is biblical – and you don’t have to be an expert to do it.
Jesus said giving a cup of cold water was valuable (Matthew 10:42). Think about that. He says one cup. We don’t have to end human suffering, create social and economic justice for all or bring about world peace. Yes, it’s important that we work effectively toward all those things. However, we don’t have to change the world to please God and do something of great value.
Christ said success could be as simple as a cup of cold water. In a hot dry country, water is life . . . and cold water is a delicious pleasure. In other words, Christ wasn’t just talking about a utilitarian meeting of basic needs. He is describing a personal interaction that gives value and dignity to the person in need.
Let me illustrate with a story. Once there was a missionary who wanted to teach a group of orphans about the love of God. She asked them, “What do you think loving kindness means?” A child replied, “Kindness is when you give me a piece of bread. Loving kindness is when you put jam on it.”
Anchor Causes
At CBWOQ we want to provide ways for you to be involved in personal, practical ministry. In your December 2014 E-LINK you will have read about a new program called Anchor Causes. We hope this will provide structure, team support and training to set you free in ministry.
Please note that I am talking about freedom quite deliberately. We don’t want this program (or any other) to become a burden. It is completely optional:
• Groups don’t have to choose an anchor cause.
• If you choose a cause, it doesn’t have to fit into one of the sectors we are focusing on.
As CBWOQ staff, we need to limit the number of sectors we support so we can do it well. And so we chose three areas that we felt best represented our history and calling: Vulnerable Women, Children and Youth at Risk, and Food and Community Development.
We want to support you as much as possible. Please let us know your ideas and difficulties.
This Christmas season, may your days be flavoured with acts of loving kindness and genuine interaction with Christ.
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