Weekly Devotional2017-02-25T00:30:36-05:00

Weekly Devotional

Devotional – The Changing Seasons of Life

March 13th, 2015|

The seasons will change. Spring buds will turn to summer blooms, then fall colours and finally, sink into winter sleep. Our children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, goddaughters . . . they will grow up, they will get taller, smarter and more independent. This is our hope. By Anna Sklar, All Nations Church, Sudbury

Devotional: A Break-In

March 4th, 2015|

Not all break-ins are bad. Not all break-ins leave a trail of fear and anxiety. God wants to break in to our lives and our world. Devotional by Cheryl Hughes, Lorne Park Baptist Church

Devotional – Forget Me Not

January 30th, 2015|

Our stories are full of miracles. Remember them. Speak them out into the flat silences of dark nights when God doesn't seem present. Remember them and remind God. We have permission. This is a devotional on asking God the hard questions. By Renee James.

Devotional – Wait (Psalm 73)

January 15th, 2015|

What do we do when we become disillusioned with God? Like Asaph, do we choose to wait for God when everything in us cries out for justice that’s swift and deadly? God gives us perspective when we do. Author: Renee James

Devotional – Pardon Lord?

January 5th, 2015|

Author: Cheryl Hughes Have you ever read a Scripture passage and felt that it had been recorded in God’s Word just for you? Have you ever read a passage that demanded you go back and reread it, inserting your own name in specific places? If you are like me, you raised your hand to answer each of these questions in the affirmative.

Devotional – Do You Remember?

September 6th, 2014|

Psalm 78: The miracle and glory of Jesus’ birth, death and resurrection mean that the lover’s pursuit has not waned. The story isn’t over. And perhaps that’s why remembering and retelling the story can be hard work.

Devotional – Come And Eat

August 30th, 2014|

Psalm 81: Perhaps when we understand the command to worship as God’s invitation to come and be fed “with the finest bread and the best honey” we’ll be ready to pay attention.

Devotional – Let’s Dance

August 23rd, 2014|

Psalm 87: This text leads us to Jesus, God’s beloved son with whom God is well pleased. And in Jesus, God builds, loves, delights over and strengthens you. In Jesus, God invites you to make him home. Put on your dancing shoes.

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