Weekly Devotional2017-02-25T00:30:36-05:00

Weekly Devotional

Devotional – The Sound of Silence

August 16th, 2014|

Psalm 88: Unlike other psalms of lament, Psalm 88 does not end in worship. It ends where it began – in a darkness punctuated only by anguished prayer. Or does it?

Devotional – Press Pause

August 9th, 2014|

Psalm 92: We receive Psalm 92 as a melodic call to pause in the presence of the Lord whose love and faithfulness are new every morning and to orient ourselves to our true North who is Jesus crucified and risen. It’s only when we do so that we recognize the truth at the heart of our story.

Devotional – King of the World

August 2nd, 2014|

Psalm 93: We elect leaders who may embarrass and disappoint us. When Toronto’s mayor makes Time magazine’s list of “Top 10 Apologies of 2013,” voter cynicism can’t be far behind. We aren’t unlike the early Israelites in this regard. The people of ancient Israel lived in a time much like ours, rife with great fear and conflict. We understand their desire for safety and security.

Devotional – Fail

July 28th, 2014|

Psalm 103: It’s not enough though to give intellectual assent to who God is and what He does. And it takes more than passion to worship God with all of who you are. David knew failure intimately – remember Bathsheba?

Devotional – Revelation

July 4th, 2014|

The writer of this psalm is desperate. His health is in ruins. He feels the passing of days. He doesn’t want to die even though he considers his life a worn-down ruin and likens it to the ruins of Zion. He’s getting old.

Devotional – Keeping Your Eyes On Jesus

May 16th, 2014|

Recently a new reminder was added to messages broadcast while riding escalators in the subway stations where I live. To the perennial “Please hold the handrail and stand firm,” a voice now adds: “Please don’t keep your eyes only on your mobile phone.” What a statement.

Devotional – Fertile Land

April 15th, 2014|

Paul reminds Timothy (and us) to not neglect the gift that is in you . . . put these things into practice, devote yourself to them, so that all may see your progress. Only by putting your gifts into practice and cultivating them, could there be results.

Infused With God’s Presence

April 8th, 2014|

Isaiah was completely infused with the presence of God. When I seek to encounter God, all of my senses do not seem to be involved.

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