What an amazing time in Kanata last weekend! Friday evening our Human Trafficking Awareness night featured the showing of Nefarious: Merchant of Souls followed by a panel discussion with inspector Paul Johnston from the Ottawa Police Services and Marian Green from the Ottawa Coalition to End Human Trafficking. We were challenged and inspired. On Saturday, over 100 of us celebrated, worshipped under the leadership of Cia Savage and friends from Bethany Baptist in Ottawa, and held our 61st annual general meeting.
There were many wonderful discussions around the workshops, displays, over a delightful lunch and then as we welcomed in our new board. We were inspired by Mireille Haddad, global field staff with CBM from Lebanon; Miriam Rawson, director of Matthew House, Ottawa; Christine Fisher from Shine-On Camp; and Elise Wohibold who has done research on human trafficking in the Ottawa area.
I was overwhelmed by the affirmations of my last eight plus years of leadership: kind memories shared by past presidents, a book of memories that included articles, comments and pictures from many of you and a gift of a beautiful necklace featuring a shimmering flame. Never let the fire in your heart go out ladies!
A great thrill was to stand together with the three past executive directors: Elizabeth Demaray, Audrey Morikawa and Nancy Webb. Together, we four women represent the last 42 years of leadership with Baptist Women. Diane McBeth, our incoming executive director also stood with us – what a historic moment! My sincere thanks to each of them.
And thanks to each who came, participated and supported this joint effort by the Ottawa Baptist Women’s Association and CBWOQ. My personal thanks to our CBWOQ staff who serve and lead us so well using their passion and skills. It was truly memorable and inspiring event!
See you all at our Women’s Weekend Away at the Lamplighter Inn in London, April 24-26, 2015. Our keynote speaker is Raquel Contreras,president of the Baptist World Alliance Women’s Department. You will want to be there!
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