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So far cbwoq has created 284 blog entries.

Devotional – Where Else Should I Be?

2015-05-30T00:34:13-05:00May 30th, 2015|Devotionals|

As I wandered home, I thought about the man's comments. Where else should I have been? I am sure I could have found other things do that afternoon – things less messy, noisy and exhausting. I could probably have found situations where a person holding a masters of divinity degree “should be.” By Linda Wolfe

eXpendable comes to Ontario!

2015-05-30T00:01:06-05:00May 29th, 2015|Human Trafficking|

CBWOQ brings eXpendable to Hamilton (June 26), Toronto (June 27) and Welland (June 28) . . . all part of its ongoing efforts to raise awareness around human | sex trafficking in Canada and the potential rise in the demand for paid sex during large sporting events like the July 2015 Pan Am Games. Buy your tickets now!

Devotional – Weeds

2015-05-22T18:25:27-05:00May 22nd, 2015|Devotionals|

Amongst the beauty in our lives there are weeds. They are colourful and initially they even look good. Allowed to grow they gradually take the place of the beauty. Trying to get rid of them is painful and is not easily accomplished

Spotlight: rEcess

2016-07-13T09:45:31-05:00May 18th, 2015|Spotlight|

This blog was written by Deborha Sutherland, the co-founder of rEcess, Toronto. rEcess is one of the new ministries you've helped through your contributions to our New Initiatives Fund. Thank you. When you give to this fund, you support women like Deborha who want to do ministry in intelligent and relevant ways.

“live” feature: Empty Drums

2015-05-18T19:06:11-05:00May 18th, 2015|Live Magazine|

Former Canadian Baptist missionary Paige Byrne-Mamahit talks about living in the light. "What I understand today is that living in the light means wanting to and learning how to read the secret character of hunger; choosing to bargain up, not down with a rattan mat vendor who hasn’t eaten in who knows how long."

Devotional – New Growth

2015-05-16T22:42:11-05:00May 16th, 2015|Devotionals|

Darkness creeps in so easily. Do I really want to miss out on a whole season of God working in and through me because I chose to live in darkness of my own making? Certainly not. I'd much rather be a John 3:21 woman. By Cheryl Hughes

Devotional – A Golden Gazebo

2015-05-01T13:23:05-05:00May 1st, 2015|Devotionals|

Countless times I have worked hard to appear good, clean, shiny, and yet forgot about the inside. I have made a good show of things, but did nothing to be the shelter from life, the protection from the elements, that God wants me to be. By Linda Wolfe.

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