How To Know If You’re Planted In Good Soil

2016-06-30T13:55:12-05:00June 30th, 2016|Devotionals|

"...They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do.” What would change in our friendships, parenting, work habits, ministry focus and approach . . . if we really truly believed that we could be like that tree?

Devotional – Lean In!

2016-05-13T16:10:18-05:00May 13th, 2016|Devotionals|

Almighty God speaks to you. He touches you gently, guiding you on paths that He alone makes smooth. So, lean in, turn off that ticker tape and trust. That’s all you can do. (By Renee James)

The Look of Love – a Good Friday reflection

2016-03-25T09:00:57-05:00March 25th, 2016|Devotionals|

Jesus has just told Peter that he (Peter) will be tested the way a farmer separates wheat from husks - with focused intensity and power that shreds living material apart – but that He has prayed for Peter’s faith. A Good Friday devotional by Renee James

Devotional – Secrets

2015-10-20T12:31:45-05:00October 20th, 2015|Devotionals|

We all keep secrets. What secrets do you keep and when will you choose to reveal them? Joseph of Arimathea had two: He was eager for the kingdom to come and he loved Jesus Christ, whose death had been instigated by the Sanhedrin Council (of which he was a prominent member). By Renee James

Devotional – This is it!

2015-10-13T10:04:02-05:00October 13th, 2015|Devotionals|

What has He told you that you’ve forgotten . . . because so much in this world conspires to make you believe that the hope and healing for which you long is both improbable and impossible? A Thanksgiving devotional by Renee James

Devotional – The Sound of Silence

2015-10-07T08:26:22-05:00October 7th, 2015|Devotionals|

At the July 2015 Pan Am Games held in the Greater Toronto Area, CBWOQ women (and men) took part in silent stand-ins. Being silent was the most difficult requirement for many. But silence was at the core of our strategy: We wanted to raise awareness simply by standing silently in an atmosphere of love and non-violence. And we hear the sound of silence running through Luke 23: 13 - 25. By Renee James

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