Devotional – Where Else Should I Be?

2015-05-30T00:34:13-05:00May 30th, 2015|Devotionals|

As I wandered home, I thought about the man's comments. Where else should I have been? I am sure I could have found other things do that afternoon – things less messy, noisy and exhausting. I could probably have found situations where a person holding a masters of divinity degree “should be.” By Linda Wolfe

Devotional – Weeds

2015-05-22T18:25:27-05:00May 22nd, 2015|Devotionals|

Amongst the beauty in our lives there are weeds. They are colourful and initially they even look good. Allowed to grow they gradually take the place of the beauty. Trying to get rid of them is painful and is not easily accomplished

Devotional – New Growth

2015-05-16T22:42:11-05:00May 16th, 2015|Devotionals|

Darkness creeps in so easily. Do I really want to miss out on a whole season of God working in and through me because I chose to live in darkness of my own making? Certainly not. I'd much rather be a John 3:21 woman. By Cheryl Hughes

Devotional – A Golden Gazebo

2015-05-01T13:23:05-05:00May 1st, 2015|Devotionals|

Countless times I have worked hard to appear good, clean, shiny, and yet forgot about the inside. I have made a good show of things, but did nothing to be the shelter from life, the protection from the elements, that God wants me to be. By Linda Wolfe.

“But” is a Resurrection Word

2015-04-04T20:16:32-05:00April 4th, 2015|Devotionals|

But. Despite what they’d seen and heard, despite the finality and weight of that stone, they had returned, carrying spices, ready to anoint His body. They didn’t know how they’d be able to do that - just to move the stone would be a miracle in itself - yet they'd come.

Devotional – Good Friday 2015 | Joy In Lament

2015-04-02T23:53:50-05:00April 2nd, 2015|Devotionals|

Joy in lament. Jesus’ story holds them both and this is the only reason why I can hold both together within my life. Jesus celebrated the coming kingdom and yet he wept over Jerusalem and in the garden. And on the cross He cried out: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” By Renee James

Devotional – The Changing Seasons of Life

2015-03-13T23:04:26-05:00March 13th, 2015|Devotionals|

The seasons will change. Spring buds will turn to summer blooms, then fall colours and finally, sink into winter sleep. Our children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, goddaughters . . . they will grow up, they will get taller, smarter and more independent. This is our hope. By Anna Sklar, All Nations Church, Sudbury

Devotional: A Break-In

2015-03-04T14:07:16-05:00March 4th, 2015|Devotionals|

Not all break-ins are bad. Not all break-ins leave a trail of fear and anxiety. God wants to break in to our lives and our world. Devotional by Cheryl Hughes, Lorne Park Baptist Church

Devotional – Forget Me Not

2015-01-30T14:56:40-05:00January 30th, 2015|Devotionals|

Our stories are full of miracles. Remember them. Speak them out into the flat silences of dark nights when God doesn't seem present. Remember them and remind God. We have permission. This is a devotional on asking God the hard questions. By Renee James.

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