Do you want to help in your community but feel paralyzed by the number of needs? Perhaps you already serve but wish you could get training and connect with others doing similar ministries.

Introducing a new (free) network to support your effective integral mission both here and internationally . . .

CBWOQ Anchor Causes.

[toggle title=”Step 1 Pray and research” bgcolor=”” textcolor=”” bordercolor=”” opacity=””]
Gather a few women together and pray. What do you feel called to?

Before your next meeting, ask each person to pray and bring back a verse or thought they had about the issue.

Try to discern God’s leading by listening to what He says to you and others.

Meanwhile, research the needs in your community.

Ask other churches and groups what they are doing. (Are you called to fill in a gap?)

You can survey your neighbourhood with two questions:
–    What are the three biggest needs in this community?
–    What do you think would help?

You will likely uncover needs you didn’t know about and later, people will be more likely to participate if their opinions were included from the beginning. [/toggle]

[toggle title=”Step 2 Choose an anchor cause” bgcolor=”” textcolor=”” bordercolor=”” opacity=””]
Consider the information you have gathered and listen carefully to how God is speaking to each member of the group.

Prayerfully discern the one sector to which God is calling you.

Then surrender the needs you can’t meet into His hands. Ask Him to meet those needs through another channel.

When you choose your cause, think in terms of sectors rather than specific projects or programs. For example, instead of saying “We will partner with Women’s Shelter X,”  say: “We will support vulnerable women, including Women’s Shelter X.”

Once you get involved you may discern many other needs and possibilities.  New women who join your group may bring different ideas and ways to help. [/toggle]

[toggle title=”Step 3 Get connected” bgcolor=”” textcolor=”” bordercolor=”” opacity=””]
Let us know what sector you have chosen ([email protected] or 416-620-2954).

We will send you some information and connect you to related Canadian Baptist Ministries programs in the same sector.


We begin by offering support to the following three sectors:
•    Children and youth at risk
•    Vulnerable women
•    Food and community development


For each of these three sectors we plan to:
•    present at least one training workshop each year
•    facilitate at least one online conference per year with an international program working in that sector
•    eventually offer sector-related short-term mission trips. [/toggle]

[toggle title=”Step 4 Launch” bgcolor=”” textcolor=”” bordercolor=”” opacity=””]
Organize and start helping in the area you have chosen. Let’s maximize whatever we have for the kingdom and for others. [/toggle]

Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop – a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.
(Matthew 13:8 NIV)