“Oh come, let us sing to the LORD! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms.” Ps. 95:1,2
Ladies, I am sending out a huge thank you for a couple of things today.
First, thank you for going above and beyond. In a very short time, you surpassed our goal for helping our sisters at First Oneida Baptist resume mission and ministry in their kitchen by several hundred dollars. What a wonderful way to bless and encourage them as they work towards getting back into their building to worship and minister from there. Read about the effort here.
Second, thank you to those who joined us in our SENT India missions experience yesterday morning and to everyone who helps us support the work there. We had an incredibly rich hour with Suraj and Louise of CBM in which we saw how our efforts are helping to bring hope and change to some deeply marginalized communities and individuals in India.
Be blessed, today, knowing God is in our midst and He is doing good things.